I'm now teaching a weekly ESL course called "Conversation Cafe" through Mt. Hood Community College. It will be a mixed level class with students from varying backgrounds, nationalities, education levels, you name it
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I may be interested in teaching, depending on the schedule.
As for conversation starters, children and animals are both good topics for drawing shy people out. People who have children of their own, or nieces or nephews, are almost always eager to talk about them, show off pictures, etc. It might not be a huge vocabulary-builder (although maybe it is, I don't know) but it does get people talking and can put them at ease. Ditto pets -- people who have pets, or just grew up with them (or farm animals for that matter), usually have some anecdotes about them, so I find it's a near-universal topic and probably a decent vocabulary builder, as well as a way to learn about each others' culture. Food is another universal topic, too.
I know they definitely still need teachers for the Tuesday/ Wednesday 6-7:45pm Intermediate class, and the Monday/ Wednesday Intermediate- High Level class from 6-7:30pm. please e-mail Anne (likapika @ aol (dot) com) if yoiu are interested in teaching either class.
I figure you have already thought about using books, tv shows or music for conversation starters. Yeah I know basic, but asking what was the last book they read, what attracted them to it, what did they like about it etc. Wha
until I get a good feel for the class, I want to stay away from controversial topics and even topics that could possibly bring up dark memories from their past. Since I don't know why they immigrated or from where they immigrated, I think that topics asking them their heroes, and anything about their past (first best friend, favorite childhood memory, etc) should be avoided.
Comments 6
We talk a lot about the weather here...big windstorm yesterday, for instance.
As for conversation starters, children and animals are both good topics for drawing shy people out. People who have children of their own, or nieces or nephews, are almost always eager to talk about them, show off pictures, etc. It might not be a huge vocabulary-builder (although maybe it is, I don't know) but it does get people talking and can put them at ease. Ditto pets -- people who have pets, or just grew up with them (or farm animals for that matter), usually have some anecdotes about them, so I find it's a near-universal topic and probably a decent vocabulary builder, as well as a way to learn about each others' culture. Food is another universal topic, too.
Thanks for the ideas!
Another idea is to ask what was the latest movie they watched or what they are planning to see.
Not sure if you are wanting to stay away from contorversial topics. Even mundane questions like who someone admires can cause problems.
Thanks for your response!
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