Check this out!

Apr 12, 2010 18:08

Metallica's "Enter Sandman" - remixed smoothe jazz style XD It's hilarious and really kind of awesome. Makes me think Incubus should do Metallica, cuz it sounds like the newer Incubus stuff :B

In other news... not much goin' on >.> Lots of rp. Work is slow and boring, on the whole. Am feeling a bit blah, but only a bit. Partially hormones, I'm sure xP

Games are going well, though. Which makes me happy ^^ I worry that my new players in Conv won't stay interested, since the game does move pretty slow and I'm stuck waiting on a coupla scenes before I can get to one of them, but I'm excited about their characters so I hope they do stay! Though I feel a bit guilty that, since I was hoping rather more for them to join my OTHER game (since it needs players more...), they joined mine instead :: facepalms :: Sorry Amy! D= Next time I try to invite someone somewhere I will ONLY list said other game XD

Also kind of wish a certain co-mod would be a little more active :: sadface ::

Am having stirrings of wanting to work on my NaNo (from year before last. ahem.) again. I reread most of it last week, and am ruminating on whether I have time to work on it more. It really was a good story. I mean... I was more into rereading that, than I was into rereading the Belgariad, one of my favorite series. Maybe it was just my mood. I dunno. But I'm itching a little to work on it again.

No more baby birds, btw. They fledged a couple weeks ago. Or, at least, I think they did. They'd really gotten too big for the nest, and mama-bird wasn't coming back far's I could tell. One disappeared over a morning, leaving the other one peeping distraughtly in the nest, and by the time I got back from visiting a friend's house, that one was gone, too. I'm assuming they didn't get eaten by anything, since I saw no signs of struggle... XD

Anyway. That's my life right now :P Working = boring, rp = busy (how does that even HAPPEN so quickly? o.o ), friends = pretty cool, Project Runway owns my soul, and I got a fat refund on my taxes. Woot. I'm so ready for my next vacation now, so I can spend it. Only it's not scheduled for until August. Sadface :(


:: meanders off to change, eat, and then reply to the half-dozen or so rp tags she owes... ::

(PS omg the quixotic mood theme pic is adorable XD yay Don Quixote hamster!)

nano, links, random, writing, rp, music, rl

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