Title: The Chosen
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo
Category: AU, angst, slash
Words: 350
Disclaimer: Yes
ncis_drabble Challenge#116 Identity
Note: This is chapter four of Flame. The segments jump around chronologically.
Link to previous:
http://cackymn-lj.livejournal.com/10596.html Summary: "Songs of unearthly beauty filled the city."
The Chosen
Like everyone else they had walked the perimeters of the landing area, curious about the light and noise. They would always go home hand-in-hand, but there came a day when Anthony peeled away from his side and strode forward, parting the crowd without fanfare.
When Anthony stood before the ship, the stertorous bleeps and clangs became first music, then song. The glaring white and yellow light went blue and amber, dotted with flashes of green and gold. Wind blew from unseen openings and light moved. It tore around the ship in mighty gusts, it bathed Anthony's face and swirled his hair.
He spread his feet, raised his arms, and disappeared.
Songs of unearthly beauty filled the city, and dread was replaced by delirium in every house. Anthony had succeeded where governments and gurus had failed. Succeeded at what, no one knew, but hearts thrilled to the tones that surely meant friendship, and peace.
Only Jethro was gripped by betrayal and rage. The music surrounded everything and was the stuff of nightmare, steeped in the horror of shocking and inappropriate context, clad in chilling familiarity because Anthony had been noodling the same notes for over a month and a half.
There was no denying Anthony's music was beautiful, and he'd thought it was for him, because of him. They had both thought so, and there had been no troubling ecstasies or fugues, no messages or alien dreams.
They'd enjoyed the music together, seen it as proof of the health and vitality of their relationship, a joy after three years of being together.
A whole day Anthony was gone, and he returned alive and hungry as if lit from within. He topped Jethro hard and slow, his love staying the anger and quelling Jethro's fear for him, if only for a time. They shared hot wet kisses for a long while after they finished, and they laughed because Anthony had indulged in a young man's power, pleasing them both immensely.
Anthony fell asleep humming softly, and it was in the dark of night that Jethro let slip the words that tore and numbed his heart.
"Who are you, Anthony?"