Aug 11, 2006 00:59
I was nervous...but I DID it! Yup, I entered a singing contest!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHH! I was SO nervous walking up those stairs when I went to fill in my application form. Man..this is a HUGE competition, so huge that I don't want to win. I never thought about it before, but after, my parents and stuff were talking, and I'm, I don't wanna do that. I don't wanna win. need to go through like 6 different audtions, they filter out that bad ones each time, and then the FINAL talented one, they fly you to Hong Kong and you record your own album!! See, that kindda interested record my own album..I mean, that has been my life long dream, but then I was taling bout it with family and stuff...and they were like.."They're searching for new artists..they're gonna try to make you famous." And Danny said, "They will NOT record an album for you and NOT try to make money off it..." Which is TRUE! AT first, I just though, "Oh, I'll hae my own album" But after all this discussing, its NOT THAT SIMPLE!!!
DAnny's a little scared and sutff...saying that I'll leave him...I dont WANNA GET FAMOUS!!! I just wanted my own cd...heh. I make it sound like I'm gonna win. Man, but for this thing, you hafta be REALLY good. I mean, they're flying you to hong kong, you can't be just OKAY. But then again, how many singers in hong kong are REALLY that goood? YEah right. But yeah, I Wish they have second place and they give you money..and I got second. Heh, that'll be coool.
BUT ANYWAYS, watch me get booted out after the first auditon. Heh...which by the way is August 26, so man, I gotta start practicing. I choose ONE song and sing the same song for every audition, I chose STAND BY's a good song and I sing it often. I guess I'm pretty confident with that. But yeah, I'm nervous...aHH!! WEll, I still got a few weeks to go..
So yeah, I Got sign language starting on the 21st of I dont think I'll be goig on the trip...sorry gals. BUt hope yu guys have LOTS of fun and take LOTS of pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!