How come nobody's ever free?

May 16, 2006 15:20

Hm...yeah, I haven't blogged for a LONG time...yeah, I guess I'm at work all the time, that might have somthing to do with it. ANd other than that, I don't really do anything so I don't have much to blog about. That...or I'm with danny having all you can eat Jap food. Yeah...people think I'm crazy..cos I work in a jap restaurant and I still crave japanese food. Heh.

Wanna know something WEIRD?!?!? I'M WORKING WITH SHAUN!!! Yeah, he mssed me on my break one day, and he's like "CAll me when you get off work" So I called him right when I got the msg, and he's like..."Yeah..I heard Kevin said you guys were looking for servers and stufff...I'm looking for a job." So yeah...I told him to go to the restraunt at 5 and like 5 mins later after talking to Charlie, he was like, "I got a job! I'm starting tommorw!" So yeah, I was training's cool I'm like the new trainer girl now, I train all the new people...guess Charlie's too lazy to do it himself. SO yeah...

Oh...I guess I didn't tell anyone? But I already gave my notice that I'll be leaving. YEah, its a fun job and stuff, but now, they changed all the kitchen staff and stuff..its like ALL korean now...sometimes, I'm the only NON-KOREAN in the whole restraunt and I feel SOoOoOoO left out. It sucks...and the kitchen people don't konw english that well and tey don't understand what I say to them...which creates a LITTLE bit of a problem.'s not that fun when a customer complains that their salmon is too burnt and the kitchen just gives me a dirty look when I tell them cos they've got NO idea whatsoever what the crap i'm talking bout. SUCKs! So I cna't do this anymore. ESssh...maybe be going back into day care? I Think i should...but when I really think about it...i'm like, "Getting up early to crying and screaming kids, wiping up barf, taking temperatures, myself getting sick permantly as long as I'm working there, long hours, crappy pay..." I have second thoughts...but the whole time I'm like..."That's what I've been studying! It won't feel right to be doing anything else." Hm...I don't know what I wanna do anymore. Is anyone as LOST as me? Or am I alone on this one??

Hmm...I haven't met up with you gals for awhile..I wnated to have lunch today but found out you all were I wanna see if I could reach you guys for dinner. The last few times I've TRIED...I was NOT I'm on MSN and JAson Wong just messaged me....ok. I'll answer him, see what he's up to. HAven't talked to him for like so werid when people you like NEVER talk to pops up all a JAson wong. Heh.

So anyways, umm...what else. I just had all you can eat jap food with Shaun...yeah. WEIRD! It's nice getting bakc with old freinds...although new ones are really coool too. But yeah, it's nice being with people you haven't hung around with for awhile..that you used to hang out with all the time! Man..I haven't seen you guys since I came back...I got some birthday presents...that VERY unfortunatly are NOT wrapped because I haven't had time to do any of that stuff...I have christmas want that? that I think about it, I'l do it. Atleast I won't be the one holding a stupid christmas wrapping gift. Yes. Heh.

Ok...that's all...I'll tell you guys more when I actually SEEE you...otaaay!?! Arlgithy, hope ya'll are doing good!!

Ciao for now!
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