oh, there's another one.

Nov 10, 2010 14:53


february was the last time  I was on here? yikes!

anyway, seems like I decided to be more true to myself and become a true yaoi fangirl instead of a closet yaoi fangirl.

["fangirl" is such an ugly word btw, if anyone knows a better term, please let me know so I won't ever have to use the word "fangirl" ever again...

haha, but nothing like "enthusiast" - that would just sound awkward...

"Hello, how are you? What are your interests? Ah, I see, I'm actually a yaoi enthusiast myself."
puhaha,  that just sounds so odd.]

whew! got that out of the way and I feel better about myself already!
I kept that to myself for definitely too long.

It's probably a Texas thing [being born and raised here after all] and an Asian thing [South Korea likes to kid itself and pretend that homosexuality doesn't exist].

so, obviously, the internet is definitely doing its social duty in disseminating information to the masses and allowing people from low tolerant societies a chance to become more open-minded and accepting by providing an environment that allows different perspectives to coexist and interact in a peaceful manner...

that, and us young adults are terribly horny and, if you find that guy on guy action is incredibly hot, of course you'd find homosexuality not to be a problem.

ah, to be ruled by hormones.
we're all really just beasts, no?

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