Sep 20, 2002 14:22
Well, I think I got 2 people in trouble at work. I was working for someone named Dave, and occasionally for Marina. Dave was really my "manager." Their manager is Therese. I like her :]
Dave went off for a month to get hernia surgery. Kinda long, but I'm sure he was milking it. While he was gone, everything went to hell. We didn't even get a hand-basket for it. It just went. *Poof* up in smoke. I was working for Therese at the time, and we spent many hours of overtime trying to fix everything, but it was totally FUBAR, so we gave it to someone else with a big sigh of relief.
Then I started working for Marina full-time, and was told that when Dave came back, he wasn't going to get me. I knew that he was going to get bitched out by Therese (she complained to me about doing it, with many swear words that my poor, innocent intern ears shouldn't be hearing from management 0:) )
When Dave came back, I got buried in politics. Marina was still doing Dave's features. Dave was playing with his email. I didn't want to do stuff that Dave should be doing, so I gave it to him and it didn't get done. Then I spent 5 hours doing no work and just staring at Dave goof off and do nothing. I metioned it to Marina, hoping that she'd give me some work, but she was too busy. Therese stopped in my office and asked how it was going and I carefully spilled the beans that I wasn't getting any work from anyone. Next day I come in and hear Marina yelling at Dave in his office (just down from mine) and finally got the nerve to go interrupt them and ask for work. I was carefully informed that I was now working directly for Therese (Same level on the food chain as them :D) and anything they wanted me to do had to go through her first. Oops. I think I got them in trouble. Shucks.
So now I work for Therese. I'm doing important things, I'm never bored, she's running my butt off, and I love it. I'm not an intern to her. She's really nice. AND! now I don't have to work for boring/slacker Dave or indecipherable Marina. I can never tell what her mood is, if she's busy or pissed at me. Oh well.