Soap Opera Love, baby

Nov 03, 2008 00:36

So, thanks to url_girl's ATWT updates, I went and got caught up on Luke/Noah. (If you don't know, go here and watch! Gay teenage soap opera love!)

I lost track of them at least six months ago, and am extremely vexed, though not so surprised, to learn that they STILL HAVE NOT HAD SEX. O_O

Here we have the only pair of teenage boys in the history of the universe who have been together for a year without doing it. I swear. If you've known any teenage gay boys, you know I'm right on this one.

So here is Cab's Personal Prediction on When ATWT Will Finally Let Luke and Noah Have Sex: Sometime within the next year, Noah will propose to Luke, who will say yes (duh)! Yes, they will be gay-married on daytime TV! This I predict. Then, they will finally have the sex on their wedding night, just like all God-fearing (?) young gays should.

Subsequently, possibly on their honeymoon, Luke will be tragically killed and/or re-cast so that Van can persue his acting career, becaue really, he's pretty good and shouldn't be stuck in soaps forever. Amen.

P.S. What is up with doppelganger-Lilly?! I believe the appropriate emoticon is D:
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