My Fandom Dream

Sep 01, 2007 11:46

I had this dream last night and just had to share. I tried to keep the description short and pithy.

Featuring: xie_xie_xie, a marriage proposal, and Stephen Colbert kissing Brian.

The setting: Xie is holding a screening of "Queer as Folk episode 514" which she has written and produced. The big room is full of fangirls and we all cheer when Xie comes out to introduce the movie.

The episode: The premise is that, several years after the end of the series, Brian and Justin are together. Brian is trying to convince Justin to marry him (gay marriage is legal now), but Justin refuses.

First, Brian takes Justin out to a bar, gets him drunk, and convinces him to do his "modesty trick." We see pictures of this trick. It involves Justin, in bright red clown pants, shimmying up the walls in a narrow hallway. (You know, when you put your back against one wall and your feet against the other and scoot upwards?) Aside from providing a nice view of his butt (in clown pants) this doesn't seem to have much to do with modesty.

Brian then takes the inebriated Justin out to a fancy restaurant, where Justin used to work. Brian sneaks off to make preparations while Justin gets caught in a straw dispenser. Brian has to help him get out.

Eventually, they are seated. Not too long into the meal, the lights in the restaurant dim and a bunch of singing waiters come out, as though they're going to sing "Happy Birthday" to someone. Instead, however, they sing a song about how great gay marriage is. Seriously. The lyrics went something like this:

"Equal rights,
Equal rights,
Equal rights are so wonderful.
Gay rights,
Gay rights,
Just reach out and take them."

While singing, they hold up placards saying "GAY RIGHTS," "THEY'RE LEGAL" and "THEY'RE ENFORCEABLE IN COURT."

One of the other diners falls off her chair.

Justin is amused, but not convinced.

After the singing waiters are gone, Brian reminds Justin of "the bet." It's not clear if Justin remembers what that is, but he doesn't really have time to ponder it.

Stephen Colbert steps out onto the floor of the restaurant as though it's a stage. (There is lighting, theme music, and apparently a smoke machine.) The crowd goes wild.

Stephen says he's here to settle a bet.

"Remember when Hillary Clinton's gay brother said he'd have an affair if I dyed my hair?" He asks the room with a microphone. He points to his head. "Helloooo, red-blond highlights!"

Stephen then walks over to Brian and Justin's table where they're both standing, grabs Brian by the lapels, and kisses him. It's a loooong kiss. With tounge. It's hot, people, let me tell you. The screening room is deafening with cheers.

Stephen then leaves the stage (restaurant).

Brian says to Justin, "Remember when you told me that if I could fuck Stephen Colbert you would marry me? This is the closest I could get."

Justin stares at him, then *he* leans over and kisses him soundly.

The movie ends, the lights go on, and we all cheer.

Some people carry out the following items to the front of the room:
  • A mattress (in case we want to lie on it and talk about the episode)
  • A wooden bench (in case we want to sit on it and talk about the episode)
  • A table full of disposable cell phones (in case we want to take them with us and talk about the episode with each other as we're falling asleep at home)
Xie comes back out with her microphone.

"I hope you all had a good time. Thank you for coming."

Best. Fandom. Dream. EVER!! I woke up giggling.
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