Nov 06, 2006 14:37
so...i'm finally done with the cube project. this morning was my presentation. i went in prepared for a lot of criticism and questions about the design process that i wouldn't be able to answer, but i didn't really get either of those. everyone really liked my presentation set-up, so much that it became the standard for the whole class (bitchin'), and everyone talked about how impressed they were with my models. the only things that were mentioned as being less than stellar were my perspective drawings. i'm totally okay with that; in fact, i was even considering redoing a few of them last night, but i decided that i'd rather spend some quality time with billy crystal and meg ryan. frankly, i'm just glad that this project is over. i feel like i lost part of myself to the cube, and that's why i'm going to cover it with googly eyes and burn it. that will be awesome.
for this week, i'm going to try to finish my art history paper tonight, then i've gotta find some sources for my 1060 research project, and hopefully i can finish reading the articles for my 1060 essay. if i can get all this stuff done, charity and i might head to athens on saturday for some quality bonding time. i should really also work on my music technology project a little, too...but i might do that sunday. isn't it sad that this is what i'm considering a break? like, this week feels like a piece of cake compared to the past month. i guess it'll be even better after this week.
after this week, i only have one art history test, my final project for music technology, the last dregs of my research paper for 1060, the easy-ish assignment for studio, and some digital documentation for all my work in studio thusfar. i guess that's why i feel so good about this week--if i can just get it all done soon enough, then it'll all be downhill from here. after feeling completely downtrodden and miserable for the past month, it feels SO good to finally see an end in sight.
i guess i'm also going to have to schedule a few days of work at frontgate, as well. i told bill i'd come back, and i think i'll probably stick around for christmas. i just feel like we'd probably be getting bonuses, and that's too good an opportunitiy to pass up. i think i'll be able to pull off working at frontgate after this week....i'll only schedule a day or so before christmas break, then maybe i'll work up until the 22nd or so. that'll be several days and lots of money, and there's the possibility of a christmas bonus, which is even more money that will be useful. speaking of money and its usefulness, i'd really love to get my money back from the theatre. i'm going to inquire as to what i can do to get it back faster.
this post is mostly for my own reference and trying to convince myself to stick it out a little longer, as there's only 35 more days left in the semester. :-D