I'm going to do one of those things they're always talking about on
LibraryThing but I don't know those people so I'm going to post about it here.
The goal is to read 25 books in the year 2009. Not that much, it's only a book every other week, except I've been through a very lazy period re reading books lately. Not buying books, of course -- I keep adding to the thousands already taking up way too much room here.
I think I've read a dozen real books this past year, maybe more. I'm hoping I'll surprise myself and read a book a week, which will be easier considering...
... I'm going to cheat a little and include comics in TPB form. Not because I don't think I'll make 25 books but because I really need to read the comics I'm interested in and I haven't been doing that. It's hard to overcome decades of not caring. Also, I enjoy some juvenile and young adult novels and will be reading those, mostly the genre ones. A good writer is still a good writer even if s/he is writing to a different audience.
I'm not going to make a list of all the books I'll read. That just limits me too much and I end up not reading at all because I'm not in the mood for the books left on the list. I'll start off with Lord Tophet by
frostokovich (Gregory Frost) because I need to get it to GorramSister to read too -- this is the sequel to Shadowbridge which we both liked (see review below).