I've been doing a lot of stuff with art and paper lately. Mostly cards, both greeting cards and trading cards. Some graphics stuff.
A couple years ago my sisters and I succumbed to the homemade card craze and started making our own Christmas cards. At first I had a hard time with it because I spent so much time on each card that I only got a couple done by the time Christmas arrived. (Procrastination had a little something to do with it, too.
Once I discovered the internet, and specifically my Goners site, I began looking for birthday smilies to post for friends' birthdays. I ended up with a lot of emoticons, but as we all got to know each other, I wanted to make them a little more personal. I started making ecards that I would post in the birthday thread at Goners and other forums. With the advent of photoshop in my life, they've become increasingly more animated. You can see the results at the
Goners Burfdays thread Then a couple months ago I was talking to
melissa_mifeng (MA) and she mentioned how she'd thought we could do personalized plates to have something to bring to Maryland for our visit, but decided it would be too expensive. I had just run across a book on artist's trading cards (ATCs), so I suggested we do that instead. She liked the idea, we posted the suggestion on Goners, and everybody loved it! I've already got three from Erastus (so beautifully professional!) and one from MA (a collage -- absolutely gorgeous!) and I'm looking forward to more.
I've also started doing some drawings for a story I started writing many years ago but lost because my hard drive became unrecoverable. (Stupid b-i-l was supposed to download everything before he took it out and he only downloaded the program stuff!
) I'm having trouble remembering the story to rewrite it (senility, of course) and I desperately want to rewrite it because I really liked the heroine, so I've been drawing pictures to jog my memory. Sort of a comics kind of thing, but I haven't decided if I'll put words in or just leave them as drawings. So that'll be my Hannah Driscoll stuff. I thought about making a new LJ just for that -- and also for the paper stuff -- but I'm too lazy to bother.
I'll be posting my various versions of cards and graphics here, one a day but probably not everyday cuz I don't want to put myself under excessive pressure.
First thing is the back of my Goners ATCs. This is going to change over time but for now it consists of the info as shown below plus one of my cookie avatars. If you don't know about cookie,
here's Cookie's story and all the avatars. The cards will each have a different avatar, right now I'm just printing them chronologically but not giving them out in any particular order.