Apr 29, 2007 22:20
So maybe I'll just switch shifts. Currently I work 10 hours a day (5:30pm to 4am) for 4 days, from Wednesday to Saturday every week. I like having 3 days off, especially Monday and Tuesday for classes, but I never get to see anybody! So I'm thinking of switching back to an 8-hour shift. Afternoons is out, that's just the same shift with getting off work a little bit earlier. Plus I would have to take morning classes. O.o Not gonna happen if I don't go to bed until midnight! Most of the day shifts start at like 5 or 6 -- I could do it but I would have to go to bed early. Even 7 and 8 are still a bit early for me. There was a shift that started at 10am but it was a 10-hour shift. I put in for it anyway, but someone else got it.
The supe says once this voice recognition startup is done she'll have a better idea of when we need people. But she also originally said we wouldn't have to cover EC x-rays anymore and I just found out that EC radiologists refuse to either a) stop dictating to us or b) edit their voice recog dictations. Which means we would still need 24-hour coverage which means the good day shifts will still be mostly for senior people.
So that pretty much limits me to this shift -- or mids. Mids is looking better and better. I could take either morning or night classes and still get plenty of sleep. I could watch actual live TV! Altho I hate commercials and they would drive me up a wall. I would probably still tape my fave shows and just have the TV on for crap like sitcoms and reality shows. And most important of all, I would actually be able to see my friends and family! Gawd, what a concept. And I would have at least a couple weekends completely off each month so I would be able to do weekend things like art fairs and stuff. I miss my art fairs.
The bad parts of mids are: (a) The lady upstairs has a weird schedule too and wakes me up too early now -- it'll be that much worse when I'm on mids cuz she would keep me from getting to sleep in the first place. (b) I wouldn't get to bed until 10-ish so ... daylight! I would have to be serious about putting up light-blocking curtains. (c) I wouldn't get to bed until 10-ish so ... summer heat! I hate running the a/c and would probably have to do it a lot more.
But I can deal with those things. So I'm going to ask the supe when she's going to post positions next. She was putting it off with the voice recog thing but now that she knows she'll still need 24-hour coverage she could probably do it soon.
(if you're a myspace friend, I posted this over there too in case you think it looks familiar :D But I did add some stuff.)