School can be so annoying!

Oct 18, 2006 03:11

I'm currently taking 2 classes. My Monday class is web graphics, basically an introductory PhotoShop course without a lot of photo manipulation because of school politics between the computer department and the art department. This class is so easy. We have a teacher who has never taught before so she's doing stuff like reading right out of the book and giving super-easy quizzes. Luckily the book is pretty good so if I can ever afford PhotoShop it'll come in right handy!

My second class is Database Design/Implementation/Manipulation/Obfuscation/Mastur... er, well, it's a database class. This class is hard. I think it's not just the class material, though. I think it's because so much of what we're doing is done in groups. Vomitrocious!

Our teacher told us that most of the class is in groups because so much professional database work is group-oriented. Might as well get used to it while we're learning it. That's all well and good, but I'm hoping that if I ever work in the field, it'll be with people who know how to do a simple cut and paste!!!!

My group isn't that bad as far as getting along, just not that many computer skills among us. I've done a little bit of work in Access but that's it except for dBase III which is centuries old. There are 2 very nice Indian women who have so few skills they actually use hunt and peck. There's also a guy who's only been assigned to our group for 4 out of our 6 weeks and physically been there 1.33 times. We're kind of hoping he doesn't come back because he very nearly screwed up the one assignment for which he was responsible. Luckily we figured out what was wrong 10 minutes before lab ended and got it turned in about 3 milliseconds before the teacher walked out.

But our ineptness computer-wise has cost us majorly in fried brain cells. Every single class except the exam class I've left the building with a pressure headache. What's that? you ask. That's when the smoke and gases from the frying builds up inside your skull. It's 4 hours of fryage and 4 hours for the gases to leak back out.

Anyways, I haven't decided whether I like it or not. I plan on taking all the different low-level introductory courses - db, network, whatever else there is - and then decide what I like best. I have to take all these courses anyway, may as well wait until afterwards to decide. Databases do appeal to me -- I"m all about the clerical and they're like super-clerical -- but I don't know if I have the creativity to be really good at it. I certainly don't want to go from a well-paying drone job to a slightly better-paying drone job. It would have to be an enormously better-paying drone job!


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