Please, for the love of all that is holy and writerly, gimme prompts, people. You know, Five Things-shaped ones. "And One ___ ____ Didn't" optional. Just anythingwhatever.
{Clarification via example: Five Times Kaylee Ate Strawberries (and One Time She Didn't) et cetera.}
Can be random original somethingness, can be fandom - my usual HP, Good Omens
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"May I talk to 'Arry?" asked the Beauxbatons champion in a raspy, throaty voice that sounded quite forced.
"I'm afraid not," Bill said, perfectly polite but just a bit cool. "He's not receiving visitors."
For a moment, her mouth set in a pout that heralded a tantrum - but it smoothed and she shrugged regally. "Can you tell 'im I 'ave come to apologise?"
"For what? Doubting his magical abilities?"
She squirmed, probably remembering their previous conversation. "No, I didn't mean - I am sorry I 'aven't been more 'elp."
"In ze maze," she clarified. "I was attacked. If I 'ad been more - alert - I could 'ave 'elped 'im."
Her serially-dropped haitches were probably meant to be endearing. He wondered if she was looking for a morsel of gossip or shared spotlight.
"You don't think he killed Cedric, then?" he asked, smile perfectly serene. "Perhaps he was the one who Stunned you. Maybe you ought to be glad he didn't kill you, too?"
Whatever answer he'd expected, it wasn't a hex.
His teeth were growing past his chin and she stepped closer and said levelly:
"I do not like being teased, Beel." Her grin was beautiful and threatening and grim."Be glad I do not theenk you meant that."
Now Bill was nothing but scars, and he traced them all with her soft lips. Soft and clean and white as heaven, his Fleur.
"I knew you'd still love me," he whispered, and it was true.
"I love you more now," she said, and it was true and ridiculous, and once again, Bill felt immortal.
"You bit Bellatrix?" he asked. There was a purple bruise forming across Fleur's cheek, but her smile was more radiant then ever.
"She ruined my wedding," she answered. "Zat bitch."
He kissed her, deeply, in front of the whole family, and not even Aunt Muriel protested.
"'Er 'air. Iz it red?"
"No, dear. Open your eyes."
Fleur did, and Bill gave her their daughter, the most beautiful girl in the world.
"Pink?" Fleur was startled but serene at the same time, and so very happy. "We must name 'er Nymphadora."
"Er... a middle name, maybe? I don't want her to hate us."
"She will nevair hate us. We will be ze best parents in ze world," Fleur stated calmly. "But I meant as a middle name. I already 'ave 'er name chosen."
"You do?"
"Oui. Victoire." She had never sounded so proud. "Victoire Weasley."
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