Happy Easter, y'all!
And, in hope of mking this entry actually brief enough to finish and post, I give you
Right. Lady Christina De Suza. I love her last name, for one thing. Reminds me of that Carlyle film, the Albania in fucking neon one, have you seen it? Lady Christina, Time Ladyesque beautiful thiefperson who speaks French and carries a shovel
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I agree she's bad Companion material for audience empathy reasons - I think she's just perfect enough for most of fandom to despise her, because we all know how fandom treats its women.
But on the other hand, the very essence of Who's awesomnity, to Chilla's mind, is that its protagonists aren't glamorous AND beautiful AND intelligent. They're not ordinary, either. They're special, but not by, you know, society's standards. That's why the shop girl could stay while the tech genius got punished, why the temp saved planets, why all the hours Martha spent cramming for med school wouldn't matter if she hadn't read Harry Potter (or if she didn't have the ability to scrub floors for weeks and keep her mouth shut while on the receiving end of black jokes - methinks that was one of the most poignant moments of Companion awesomeness ever). Different measures of worth.
But Christina is successful by our standards too. Rich, beautiful, educated, athletic, arrogant (that's an important component of success and we know it), sexually confident, materialistic, funny, quick AND she knows French. She's like the heroine of 70% of Hollywood movies and shows and urban fantasy novels and everything, so to watch her here too would feel... I don't know. You know?
Yeah. This may've not made sense.
Ah, yes, sadly true. Fandom is pretty misogynistic. Group brains frequently are.
I had more to say about Christina, but I'm completely overdosed on chocolate and roast dinner (not at the same time) so it's off to bed for me. I might email you more tomorrow.
PS: On an entirely unrelated note, how wonderful is this word: syzygy! I suppose you say it sih-zih-gee, or sy-zy-gee, but it looks so brilliant written down. Excellent scrabble word, hm ...
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