My Birthday Fic

Feb 01, 2009 11:51

Rejoice, my friends, for I still roam this earth, ish. Mathematics has made me her bitch, and writing is my bitch, and we live in a confusing bohemian triamory, with dogwhips.

And speaking of me, I am here ish, though not on IMing places so much any more, but if you wish to shower me with tributes in the form of emails, links, or fic, you may do so ( Read more... )

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caboca February 2 2009, 13:45:14 UTC
Mm, I know it's a bad idea. It's worse than guilty pleasure and bordering on "Accepting White Powder from Googly-Eyed Strangers on Streetcorners in November" bad ideaness. But I blame Voldemort. That's the good thing about Voldemort, you can always blame him. Observe:

I AM RIVER SONG. *complicated letterscrabbly wand motion*

It's only natural that this lead me to imagining a Nativity story with Mary!Rose, Jospeh!Mickey and HolyTrinity!Doctor/Donna/Handy. Which leads to the very natural question of "But where's Jack?".

But thanks for voting anyway! (And I really seriously hope I haven't offended you in any way.) I have totally forgotten the redemptiony bit of Jack's storyline. Or the met-Doctor-and-became-better storyline at any rate. And the Mary Magdalene idea is BRILLIANT. And you're right, the personal kindness of Mary Magdalene's story is much more applicable than some sudden Damascus Moment thing - the latter reminds me most of that nerd kid in the Sontaran Stratagem episodes, I do wonder what his name is...

As to Solomon, I just had this surreal mental image of Jack wooing a Roman maiden with the line 'your teeth are lovelier than sheep'. But at the same time, he probably enjoys reading it for the beauty of it, because he is romantic deep down in a one-true-love-ain't-for-me-but-I-sort-of-adore-watching-it-happen.

Mm, do you reckon Jack cares about justice a lot? Modified moral codes, naturally, but rigorous ones?


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