My Doctorian Whoness

Sep 30, 2008 18:57

Watched all four seasons (guided by the expert hands ofehnel  ) and bits of Torchwood, inspected fanfiction and fanvids, have a fic idea concerning Donna and the sunscreen speech, built something called a Wibbly-Wobbly Fourth Wall Theory which I may or may not post later.

The verdict is that I am a sold-out, solid fangirl.

I. Ten vs Nine:
Nine wins, by very little. Ten is cute, Ten is sweet, Ten is too thin for me, whereas Nine is sheer sex, despite my prejudices against blue-eyed men. Ten is graceful and grand, Nine is weather-beaten and pirateish. Ten has a saving-people thing that often comes across as smarmy and all-or-nothing, Nine is much more in touch with individuals. Ten has toes, Nine has ears. And so far, Nine's development arc is so, so much more satisfying. Starts out as a grouch who hasn't got anyone. Slowly unravels his complexes and starts letting go of them, gains friends almost despite himself, is given one moment of pure joy - goes from everybody dies to everybody lives. In the end, he's a happy, stupid noble person who is very much in love and unable to commit genocide because he's good. Self-sacrifice for love, check. Then - we get Ten. Ten starts out a happy, stupid noble person who is very much in love and unable to commit genocide because he's good. Then he becomes a mopey, bastardly angstbucket. Then he morphs into a rather well-adjusted sidekick to Donna Awesome, and he's very near to being happy. Then suddenly, back to angstbucketry, side a side-order of Donna-betrayal. Sigh.

II. Jackie vs Francine vs Sylvia
Jackie. All three are messy, selfish people with issues, but Jackie is actually good. And she definitely loves Rose. Francine probably loves Martha, and you can't blame her for falling for the Master like the whole country did - and  it sucks to be her. But she simply isn't likable, and Martha seems to be an awesome person in spite of Francine. [while Rose is partly awesome because of Jackie] Sylvia simply sucks and no amount of ooc "She still is" fondness will make up for making much of the void around Donna's shouts.

III. Mickey  vs Jack
Mickey, actually. Sweet, sexy and not Jesus, what more could a girl ask for.

IV. The finales
S1 wins by several miles. A perfect ending to a perfect Doctor, with perfect application of  simple-humans-save-the-worldness (aka. Mickeyness), lovely music, and the idea of Dalek!BigBrother is just perfect in every way. Only Adipose rivals this plot in brilliance.

Then comes S3, by virtue of not containing any Daleks. And Martha being the kick-ass and brilliant. And Jack on a cross, people. And Harry Saxon is a deliciously evil Mister Bastard Master. Minus point for bluey glowy Doctor and setting time anew.

Then comes S2 which is lovely and heart-breaking and I won't be rewatching it, and I don't generally like men who cry. but, mmm. Mmmm. I nearly cried myself, and oh god, Rose was awesome.

Then, naturally, S4, which starts awesome and ends up horrible, with highlights. I didn't mind the Rose ending, after having constructed the Wibbly-Wobbly Fourth Wall Theory (you assume it's reality, not just a cheesy plot device to placate us, but you also assume the parting scene is badly-written rather than the characters themselves being weepy bastards), yeah, I like it. But Donna? You've GOTTA be joking. Nothing was ever this sad ever ever. And yes, it WOULD have been better if she'd died. Unless she returns. In which case I hope she kicks his Time Lordy arse from here to Poosh.

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