....danicin' in the moonlight.....

May 12, 2004 21:32

........ok so i dunno when i updated last but whatever last weekend we partied down the river both nights and we did stuff........this week hasnt been horrible yet, i didnt go to school yesterday cuz i didnt feel to good, eventually threw up and felt much better, met mike's aunt, she lives in california.........today was gay it rained so no tennis, didnt find anything worht taking from the rummage sale, and i forgot to go and try out for chorus today so hopefully brother mark wont be mad at me and i will be able to do it tomorow..........yeah so rain is stupid and so is osco, they closed early tonight so i couldnt pick up my pills........i just cant wait for the weekends anymore, considering we have about 5 and 1/4 days left i and pretty excited and i want to start working so i can make some money and party a whole bunch more..........ok yeah so i hope school goes by fast cuz i hate it...........anyway i am gonna head to bed soon

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