Mar 21, 2005 14:06
so i made my fall schedule this morning. it's not exactly what i want it to be yet, but i'll be doing some adjustments either at the end of this week or in the beginning of the actual fall semester. here it is:
ecology - tues, 6-8:30
o. chem - m, w, 6-7:15
o. chem lab - tues, 8-12
foundation for drawing - m, w, 3-4:20 <-- how fun!
intro to literature - m, w, f 10-11 <--- this is what i plan on dropping
it's only 13 credits, but that's ok, b/c i'm taking 7 credits this summer. yay... i'm glad that's taken care of.
in other news..... well i don't really have any other news. cj's birthday is on sunday (easter), and my mom's birthday is a week after that. grettel's birthday was a week ago, and she's a year old now!
yesterday was my first scuba diving lesson. we basically got our books, learned how to assemble our gear, and also learned how to maintain pressure under water. it was fun.
ok, i'm gonna get back to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!