[picspam] Inception: Arthur, Dom, Mal Backstory

Sep 30, 2010 18:27

(plus five fic recs)

for picspammy's 22nd challenge: Illustrate a Song

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Song is 'Between' by Vienna Teng

Mal taps the edge of her top against the table. It makes a hard sound. "What do you dream about?" she asks, and it's this strange but innocent question that will jump start the rest of Arthur's life.

from No Fortress Against Her Remains - jibrailis

In Arthur's dreams he is an efficient machine. Gears humming everywhere, just under the surface. His projections run on a schedule. Mal built a train for him and it's a favorite setting: ten cars, each with their designated purpose, doors and compartments. Always headed toward a destination.

from I Strive - indysaur

Her authenticity was the thing, that Arthur loved most about Mal.

It was her way with words, with telling stories, so true and honest, he couldn’t help himself but stare at her lips and listen, listen, listen until he fell asleep on a bench in their garden.
She laughed loudly, bold and blissful and smelled of lavender. “Lavande”, Mal mouthed, “lavande” in perfectly pronounced French.

(She didn’t drain herself in perfume and Arthur liked to embrace her to feel her curls against his cheek. Mal was all kinds of different scents; most of them were new to Arthur who was used to city smog, hay and BBQ.)

It was the way Mal made Bouillabaisse look like something tasty, even though Arthur hated fish. Graceful and soft, but strong and forceful. He was glad for her honesty, even if it hurt. It made him feel visible and full of value.

Cobb was stable, but Mal was safe.

(So Arthur forced all thoughts of jealousy, of wanting the same perfect relationship and love away. It just wasn’t fair. He was included, somehow, somewhere. It should be enough.)

from Asymptote - sperrfeuer

“I promise I won’t shoot you in the kneecap again,” he says dutifully.

Arthur doesn’t doubt that he’ll be able to keep his word.

Mal is far too creative to stick to a one-note performance like that.

“I won’t let her hurt you,” Dom breathes in his ear.

Arthur wishes he could believe that.

from Darlin', I'm Losin' And It's A Mean Game - leonidaslion

Memory is a strange entity.

Sometimes we love it for enabling us to relive enjoyable experiences from our past.

Sometimes we hate it for reminding us of what we could’ve said, should’ve done.
     from Cut the Ties, Jump the Tracks - chemfishee

...so this is really more of a 500 Days of Summer/Public Enemies picspam, but whatever. Inception is damn hard to find good images for. (and hey, JGL's character in 500 Days of Summer interviews for an architecture job at the end of the movie. Who's to say that he doesn't meet Dom or Mal there? okay, canon says it....)

I actually meant this to be more of an Arthur->Mal, Arthur->Dom, Mal/Dom picspam, but I had a hard time finding a song for that, so have jealous!emo!Arthur instead.

type: picspam, tv/movie: inception

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