Jun 02, 2005 06:50
Hello everyone, thought that I would start doing these again, so yah..here you go. --Pedro--
Did you know that when something tragic happens in life, as in your best friend dying or your mother getting in a car accident, sometimes we blame God; but that is not a good thing to do. You see, we are making a mistake when we blame God.
In the Bible, it says that God does not create evil (Genesis 1:31 and 1 Timothy 4:4). Death is the payment for sin, as Adam and Eve had sinned, and death will be with us until Jesus Christ comes back for us. A lot of evil forces surround us in this world today that cause pain to our bodies, which also includes death. But, at this very moment, God is working to get rid of these forces. And one of these days, he will conquer death and there will be no more death (1 Corinthians 15:26). But, at our time, God says that "in this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)
As God does not make bad things happen to us, the Bible promises us that in the midst of bad things, God works to bring the good out of it all (Romans 8:28). At one time or another, there used to be a guy who had his own television show. And some guy named Jose Melos was a fantastic piano player. Every now and then, the host of the show would walk over to the piano where Jose was, and slam his hand down on some keys, and then tells Jose to "see what he can make of that mess." So Jose would put his fingers where the host smacked his and make the most perfect melody out of it.
God is able to change our messes in life.God is able to take our tragedies and the mistakes we make and turn them into something beautiful.
A question that is asked by a college professor to his students is "What is the most evil thing that ever happened in human history?" and his students will answer "The crusifixion of Jesus" and then he will ask them what is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened in human history?" and they will answer "The crusifixion of Jesus." Yes, the crusifixion of Jesus Christ was a horrible thing, it was the result of the sins that we have created, but he took our sins and transformed into something that has blessed everyone.
God does not make horrible things happen in life; he is at work in the middle of all things, overcoming evil with good and turning tragedies into blessings. So, why say "Why does God let bad things happen?" when you could ask "What can God do through this tragedy? How can I work with God to turn this into something good?"
Your Christian Brother in Christ,
Todd A. Loiselle