Title: Phone Sex Author: cablackwood Pairing: Kyuhae Rating: NC-17 Summary: Kyuhyun doesn't want to do it. But Donghae can be very persuasive. Disclaimer: [insert some witty line about me not owning them]
Hehe everyone knows Kyuhae porn is what you need to start off the new year! Lolz i adored it even though it's 3 in the morning. I'm just thinking how no one caught Kyuhyun. Wouldn't that be awkward. Anyways waiting for you to update ur other stories. I hope u get ur computer fixed :) and the wifi
I thought about having someone walking in on Kyuhyun, but eh, just kyuhae sounded best.
My wifi is fixed, computer not so much. But as long as I have my iPod to be able to get on the Internet, it's all good :)
Thank you for reading
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