Bing bong! Good evening Carolyns and Arthurs, er, I mean...good evening, fellow Cabin Pressure and Finnemore fans!
Thought you might like to know that our favo(u)rite British radio comedy writer is back on the air with a new series of his sketch show "John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme"!
Series 5 Episode 1 aired on BBC Radio 4 today; it's available to listen for free online through
their website for another 29 days. I laughed a lot - it's rip-roaring classic Finnemore. ...I particularly liked the Snow White bit, and a "Since you ask me..." tale where JF achieved new heights (literally) of wonderful absurdity. :-) Episode 2 airs next Thursday, with four more weeks of Finnemore after that. Hurray!