Title: One In A Million Dreams (Comes True)
Fandom: Cabin Pressure/Sherlock (BBC)
Rating: PG
Length: 760 words
Content notes: Spoilers up to Yverdon-les-Bains. No particular spoilers for Sherlock.
Author notes: Written to celebrate AO3 reaching 1 million fanworks today. All credits for the Martin Crieff/Anthea pairing go to
Summary: Heathrow airport, just another foggy Saturday evening.
LJ -
AO3 -
FFN Title: Unplanned Diversions
Fandom: Sherlock BBC/Cabin Pressure
Rating: PG-13
Length: 312 words
Content notes: No particular spoilers.
Author notes: A sequel to One In A Million Dreams (Comes True).
Summary: She had a doctor's appointment booked in two days, and she had no idea how she was supposed to struggle on until then.
LJ -
AO3 -
FFN Title: Touch The Sky
Fandom: Sherlock BBC/Cabin Pressure
Rating: PG
Length: 300 words
Content notes: No particular spoilers.
Author notes: A sequel to Unplanned Diversions.
Summary: I'd touch the sky, honey - for you. (Roger Taylor)
LJ -
AO3 -