Title: Albatross, Let It Go
Fandom: Cabin Pressure
Rating: PG
Length: 1396 words
Content notes: Set after Yverdon-les-Bains, so it contains spoilers for that episode.
Author notes: The title is a reference to the song Weight of Living by Bastille. A huge thank you to
danlef for being my primary source of information for this story.
Summary: He furrowed his brow then, momentarily taken aback by the turn of events. As much as he despised being a first officer, the idea of being Martin's captain felt wrong somehow.
LJ -
AO3 -
FFN Title: The Heavy Weight Of Living
Fandom: Cabin Pressure
Rating: PG
Length: 502 words
Content notes: A sequel to Albatross, Let It Go. For
arianedevereAuthor notes: The title is a reference to the song Weight of Living by Bastille.
Summary: Martin simply ignored the half-hearted quip and shook his head. "Douglas, please. I let you help me. Why can't you do the same?"
LJ -
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