(no subject)

Jun 11, 2011 05:49

VOMAS, forever in dream, lalalala. I did drool over how Tolie happened to sing Spice! at VOMAS, and I would kill to join it once, just once, hell yeah ;___; Preferably enough, the desired position may be a varied seat of creator... I will shut my big mouth nao.

And randomly enough, somehow it feels sad to have too many coiling changes in relationships, or I may be too old to treat myself some youthful fun. It is even sadder as whatever I can do is to nag at such boring subjects, maybe is to seek for any Thursdays crushing me in solace more productive?

Cheap strategy is cheap, but cliché-ridden schemes can still suffice for triumph. History-wise and stuffs, greedy hoaxers still stay greedy... Yeah, as what I was taught back in the days, everything fuelled in tactics is taken for granted *singing incoherent curses*

Another side goal is to refrain myself from doing things based on erratic inspiration, or I should learn how to prune my own dreams and be reduced to a NEET for the rest of my life... Nah, to have a goal is better than nothing, yet its truthful outcome is not warranted, lalala~


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