Title: Did You Say (Please Just Follow Me)
battie_hattiePairing: Cash/Singer
Rating: NC-17
POV: Third
Summary: So once upon a time, Cash and Alex went to high school together and were fail bots who wanted to grow up to be way cooler than they were (I know this sounds like real life, but seriously, it's not. Probably). Anyway, Alex really needs some help, because he totally missed that one day of sex ed that his school offered (whatever, unprotected sex doesn't necessarily mean you're going to have an AIDS baby)... ~11,500 words.
Disclaimer/Warning: Any and all similarities to real life are the reason I drink.
Author Notes: So, this story is totally for
minacoleta for putting the idea in my head. And it's made of shame. And is a tale about how shame totally is OK.
It's just that sometimes that Alex seems to be tempting Cash off the regular dude-bro hetero relationship that they've been rocking for a while.