Spring cleaning

Mar 04, 2012 22:12

During the last week, finding some room to draw on my desk was getting more and more difficult. I received three packets in a row of books I'd bought, so in the last two days I've done little more than tidying up my bookshelves to clear some space. Here I proudly present you the complete rearrangement of my bookshelves!

I use to order my shelves thematically, although space, shelves size and other matters (books importance, and so on) make some subjects to repeat.

From top left to bottom right, the bookshelves in my room:

now to the right:

Down here there's one more shelf with university photocopies, notebooks, journals etc.

Up to the last row on the right:

I occupy also some shelves in other parts of the house. The followings are in the entrance:

And these are in the corridors upstairs, where I exile less interesting books:

My greatest result, in this bout of decluttering, was obtaining one shelf for the graphic novels and for Roman-themed novels. Since I bought four new books about Flavius Aetius in the last month, I wanted to put them all together, and I'm very happy to have found some space for them. Graphic novels are scattered all around, I fear, and I doubt I'll ever manage to collect them on one shelf, but now at least Eisner has a proper place, and I even managed to pull down The Calling by Okano Reiko of a couple of shelves.

I moved some 16 shelves of books, climbing on two stairs of different heights, and going up- and downstairs more than I did in the last three months, I believe. Uff! But it was worth it. :)

books, real life, photo

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