Ratman is an extremely popular Italian comic, written and drawn by Leo Ortolani. It parodies movies, books and other comics, with a keen attitude for puns and play with words. We consider Ortolani a comedy genius and a master of humour. Ratman's latest episode is a parody of Harry Potter.
Of course, Snape is included in the episode! He's called Professor Riccadonna (= Rich Woman, a joke on Rick-man), and he's just as formidable as the original. I wish you all could read it!
I was getting envious, because I'm reading here and there on my flist that people are getting organised for HP cons in the States during summer. Therefore I searched for some European cons and discovered that there's one
ALOHOMORA planned for August 2013 in London. Since I already had half an idea of going to England in 2013 (it will be the 530° anniversary of Richard III's coronation), you don't know how pleased I am by such discovery...