Jun 26, 2006 15:12
So last night I emailed my landlord to complain about the electric guitar playing that has started happening most nights in my building--it never seems to start before 9:30, and goes on until at least 11:30, with one memorable weeknight when it continued until 1 am.
The weird thing is that it didn't sound like this person was NEW to the electric guitar, but it only started a couple of weeks ago.
Apparently there's a subleaser in apartment #3. This might also explain the scary angry monologues that are now sometimes semi-audible in my bathroom. I can't really do them justice in description; like I said, they are only semi-audible, but unsettling, and in some almost totally indescribable way, misogynist (perhaps it's that the audible words tend to include feminine gendered slurs, but it's not ONLY that). It's like there's an electric guitar-playing woman-hating paranoid schizophrenic living next door now.
Anyway, Bruce said he'd talk to the guy about the guitar. I didn't mention the bizarre monologues. I'd be pretty happy if there was just no more impromptu rock music at 11 pm.