Link from
an open letter to the Kansas School Board on the subject of intelligent design and Our Lord, the Flying Spaghetti Monster aardvark_gumbo is a biologist and thus, as you might imagine, not too happy about the current state of science education in the US--one of his former students once remarked to me that even when the teaching of evolution isn't actually banned in a state, you can't count on college students to have learned ANY evolutionary biology in high school. I certainly don't remember it coming up in small town Missouri.
Anyway, the whole thing reminded
aardvark_gumbo of a philosophy I propounded in junior high, that of Last Tuesdayism, which holds that every Tuesday, the universe is destroyed and created anew (possibly by a Flying Spaghetti Monster; I never really worked out the exact nature of the deity--perhaps the deity also experiences a weekly self-make-over), and then the deity recreates everything exactly the way it was before, or possibly not, but the important part is that you get the MEMORIES of it always having been this way.
Now that I think about it, "past life memories" might be nothing more than a slight bleed-through from before Last Tuesday, when you were, in fact, Cleopatra. For a week. Except you had a starship. And blue skin.
But that was last week, sorry, it can't be all glamor all the time.
Also--I've been reading phenomenology for my prelim--when you leave a room, all the furniture vaporizes. But it comes back right before you do.
I really, really, REALLY want
this shirt, in mint (size L). But I spend too much money as it is.*
Last Tuesdayism even had pamphlets--
aardvark_gumbo, are there any copies left? I only have my later work of obscene revolutionary propaganda (courtesy of
*Convince me I deserve this shirt.