Got home at about 1:30--we left at 6:30 in the morning, and I was very proud of myself for staying away until 9:30 or so and then waking back up at 12:30, especially considering that I only got about two hours of sleep last night. Shouldn't have had all that coffee with
capnmctruman at Ruby Tuesday, but it was nice to see her again--it occurred to me as we were watching House of Flying Daggers yesterday evening that she might well be in town to see HER family, and sure enough, she was.
So anyway,
aardvark_gumbo headed back off for Missouri, and I did some dishes and cleaned up my kitchen. Thanks again for watching the kitties,
suibhne_geilt! Aside from having pushed open every cabinet in the house, they were pretty non-destructive. No revenge vomit so far. :p
It did take awhile to coax Legba out from underneath the bed; I guess he felt abandoned.
Have just finished watching Cold Case episode 2.22, "Best Friends," featuring an interracial lesbian romance in the 1930s.
3jane kindly made it available a little over a week ago. It was very sad, but probably my favorite episode of the show that I've seen so far, and I really like Cold Case.
The frilly brimmed sun hat that I'm crocheting is coming along nicely, and it looks like it might actually only take ONE ball of the microfiber, which means that I'll have enough for two hats each in blue and green.
And now I'm off to meet
_becquerel_ and a friend for ice cream.