So my fencing equipment came via UPS today. Dad shipped it from Mailboxes Etc. because he had no idea what to do with a foil; they actually packed it quite well, in a long box with this strange sort of almost-batting wrapped around it in spots--it seems like a very soft styrofoam sheet with a thin cloth "skin" on both sides. Anyway, they wrapped it around the tip and the hilt and packed a little into the top of the box, and it seems to have travelled well.
My old jacket still fits, although it's a bit of a near thing. I'm not sure if it will fit with a chest plate underneath, or the extra bit I'd forgotten I had that goes over your fencing shoulder and arm, under the jacket. Also, my glove was missing; Dad said he hadn't seen it with the other stuff when I asked, and they were making an equipment order tonight anyway, so I ordered a new one (only $10), and a bag to carry my stuff in.
Weirdly, after I put my old equipment in the living room closet, Bart started going nuts on the door, banging against it like he was trying to get it open. He's never done that before, but today I had to chase him away with the squirt bottle multiple times. I can't imagine what my equipment could possibly smell like that would cause such behavior; it was in storage in my sister's closet, and my parents' cats don't even go into her ROOM, let alone the closet. It's been a long damn time since I sweated on that stuff. Who knows. Perhaps Bart yearns to fence. Bart in Boots.
ubil, your card came today. It's lovely. Back atcha, doll.