Nov 21, 2007 08:55
On Monday I went to collect my friends daughter from the lower school for her. Whilst I was waiting I was talking to a friend of mine and the neighbours two younger children 4 and 5yrs ran across the playground towards me. When they were looping around one of them shouted BITCH at me! I thought for a minute that I was mistaken and they had called me witch, which isnt much better but it isnt a swear word.
After I had met the friends daughter and we headed towards the school gate we had to walk passed the neighbours two children again. The youngest shouted out BITCH again, and I knew I hadnt misheard a few minutes before.
I cannot believe a mother would teach her children at the ages of 4,5 and 9 to call somebody a bitch. I am absolutely shocked. I nearly went and made a complaint to the school about it but do not want the school saying it is best if I do not go there any more as I need to go there for my rainbows.
Many people have given advice about what to do and Chris and I are weighing up our options to see which is the best thing to do. I do think we will go to the police liason officer of Clifton.