Aug 26, 2007 21:00
This is for me. It's not for anyone else. I'm not sure if anyone else even has access to it, but I'm going to write like they do. I'm going to write what I feel and hope that if it offends anyone I can just say it was for theraputic purposes...
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my life anymore. I have so many things buzzing around in my head that it's like somethings bound to break. My brain is like a well-oiled machine, without the oil part: It's bound to sieze at some point. I want to get my pilot's license but I'm scared. The flight instructor is supposed to call me back and he hasn't yet. I'm getting impatient. I'm also supposed to pick up my immunization form so that my schedule doesn't get deleted. Is meteorology really the right path? I'm not sure, but It has always caught my interest and I'm always one for science. Black and white. No gray area. It's either this way or that and there's no inbetween. I just spent $60 on a personality test that told me I was INJF which means intuition, introverted, judging and feeling. Basically I need some structure, I don't like taking orders, I don't know how to speak up unless I absolutely have to and I tend to get my energy from within. I think it's surprisingly accurate. I really like Ingrid (my new therapist). I think she's really good for me. I actually look forward to going to our appointments because she kind of gets it. I can tell her things and I can be totally random and I can skip around from subject to subject and she still follows. I hope she can help me figure out who I am because I know I don't know.
I feel like all my friends have left me and I also feel like I have to put a lot of effort into maintaining friendships with the people I met at JWU. Is that what friendship is supposed to be like? You're supposed to put in a little bit of effort, right? What about kevin? I wonder if we'll end up together... it's nice to think about, but I won't get my hopes up. Even though he is kind of the first person I've been attracted to longer than 6 months. Oops.
That's all for now, got to go finish the last Harry Potter!