Dec 31, 2005 07:40
>_> I need a (somewhat) small favor from you. I need some of you to write a few definitions of ZI stuff. Anything, users, events, topics, stuff like that. I can't say why yet, just trust me.
So, I was reading over some classic ZI threads awhile ago. We used to have so much fun. I missed those times. I was a lot more popular back then. >_> I can't shake the feeling that I lost a little respect by going all mopey and angsty last year. I really miss the old ZI.
And if GR happens to be reading, sorry I didn't get to send you something for Christmas this year. I kinda feel guilty you sent me those DVD's and I didn't repay you in some way. I ran to this morning and got Unz's present, but I totally forgot to get you something. T_T
I'm leik, totally having problems with Dreamhosts FTP. It's all weird. The users I make can't upload directly to the site. >_> I think it's totally worth it, though. My old host I was getting 600 MBs for $10 a month, not I'm getting 9600 for 15$ a month.
LF totally cheated.
I bet my short paragraphs are annoying you. Huh? HUH?! Thought so.
There I go again. Today's summary:
1. I miss the old times.
2. Cab is sorry, again. ._.
3. Dreamhost's FTP is weird.
4. LF cheated.
5. My short paragraphs annoy you.