(no subject)

Apr 24, 2005 18:51

  Well it's been a couple weeks since I updated, due to a lot of stuff the week before vacation and my trip to Florida. Overall, the trip was pretty good. The weather, of course, was great, 80s and sunny everyday. It was a typical Cabana vacation, which means we did alot.  The night we got there it took us about 45 minutes to find our hotel, which is really fun after flying all day.  Our first full day there, we went down to the Everglades.  It was really cool, and very relaxing too, because theres no highways or malls or amusement parks.  We saw a bunch of aligators, birds, and various other forms of wildlife.  I am in a vast minority when it comes to my likes in entertainment.  I've never been to any theme park besides Funtown, and a lot of people say my parents have deprived me from seeing all the packaged fun of theme parks.  A lot of people probably think I'm weird for not having any desire to go to Disney or similar places, but as I was walking along the boardwalk in the Evergaldes, I thought to myself: "Would I rather be in line with hundreds of screaming kids and idiotic parents waiting to go on a ride that will make me throw up...or here enjoying real stuff like cool animals that will probably be gone in 20 years?"  Although I've never "experienced" Disney, in my mind, the answer is clear.  The next day, we witnessed the exact opposite of the Everglades: The beaches surrounding Miami.  Dozens of high rise condos and hotels were plopped a long the road, taking a way any view of the water there might have been.  There were also tons of homes where the more economically fortunate among us reside.  I have to admit, however, that it was pretty darn cool seeing these amazing homes.  My family is also in a minority when it comes to going to the beach.  In other words, we don't really like it.  We strolled on Miami Beach for a bit, but it turned out the water wasn't even that warm.  We were mildly dissapointed.  That night we went to a Florida Marlins game which was pretty cool.  Not much else to say about that.

The next day was our travel day, from Ft. Lauderdale (near Miami), to Tampa.  On the way, we stopped at Sanibel Island.  We had to give Becky credit for this one, because she told me to get her shells, and my dad remembered that Sanibel Island just happens to be the "shell capital of the US" or something.  So, we walked around the beach getting a bunch of shells for a while.  There weren't many good ones because the hardcore shell collecters get all the good ones early in the morning.  We went to a nature preserve similar to the Evergaldes, just on a smaller scale.  We saw more gators, including a freaking huge one. (I'll try and get pics up soon).

I've ended up writing a lot, so I'll keep it short here.  The next day we spent in St. Petersburg (near Tampa), which is a very nice city.  We went to a couple museums, one with an exhibit about the Cuban Missle Crisis (cool stuff), and the other with artwork of Salvador Dali.  If you haven't heard of him, look him up on google.  He was really strange, and really sex-obsessed.  His personality lead him to create some very interesting works of art.  That night we went to a Devil Rays/Red Sox game at the Sox second home.  Seriously, there were far more Red Sox fans there than D-rays fans.  Probably about 25,000 to 5,000.  It was a close game, which ended in dramatic fashion.  The Sox tied it up in the 9th when Jesus drove in a run or two.  In the middle of the 9th, I said to my dad, how sweet would it be if the D-Rays guy hit a game winning homer on the first pitch.  Sure enough, Alan Embree came in and tossed in a meat pitch, which the D-Rays player proceeded to anialhate 459 feet.  Even though I am of course a Red Sox fan, I loved it.  Every Sox fan was in shock, which I thought was great.

Our last day was actually a relaxing day, which I spent out by the pool and in the exercise room.  Today we returned home to real life after an ahead of schedule flight and a not so long ride home from Manchester.  Our house was 58 degrees, over 20 degrees cooler than we were used to.  Fun.  But, its nice to be home.  After all, I have Mrs. Fink FIRST THING! tomorrow morning! YES! Now excuse me while I go puke at the thought of that. 
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