Where our heroine survives Valentines Day and does a nice little meme.

Feb 14, 2009 20:10

So. Matt and I had our first Valentines Day together yesterday. And it was...good. We were both feeling a bit stressed and overwhelmed in the afternoon (hard week...), and I had a bit of a meltdown when we were out in town. Which I feel pretty sheepish about, but hey. Happens. We came home and made out for ages (ahhh...) and he made us red curry for dinner. He made me breakfast in bed in the morning, and I gave him a poem I've been working on for a few months (as in, I started writing it in a pizza restaurant in Oxford, England, back in September!), which he LOVED! We had the place to ourselves in the evening, so we just hung out and laughed and ate ice cream and watched UChoose40 on C4 and the end of Little Miss Sunshine on tele. And did some grown up stuff later. ;P As one does.

So yeah. Pretty ordinary, really, but I'm happy. And, to celebrate the dreaded V-day in my own geeky way, here's a couples survey/meme thingie. Courtesy of blairette.

What are your middle names?
I'm Clare Caitlin, he's...Matthew. His first name is actually Damian, and he's been going by his second name since his mid-twenties. Which I think suits him a lot more.

How long have you been together?
Seven and a half months. For me, that's a mammoth effort. ;P

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Um...well, we first met in person over Queen's Birthday weekend, and we got together finally (after a few kerfuffles) on June 30. So...a month? We knew each other existed since...January 08? We began emailing each other at the beginning of the year, but I was "dating" Michael at that point, so I didn't write him back. Then, in April, while extremely lonely and extremely bored while babysitting, I sent him another message. He wrote back...and the rest is history. :)

Who asked who out?
Well...I asked him, via NZDating, if he wanted to meet up for a coffee sometime. He asked me out on another date after our first (about an hour into it, I might add!). And, on our fourth date, while cuddling on his bed, he asked me if I wanted to make it official. I think my response was something like, "Oh God, yes!" ;P

How old are each of you?
24 and 31.

Whose siblings do/ did you see the most?
He's an only child. So, mine.

Do you have any children together?
Uh, no. We have decided on Gabriel for a boy's name, though. Yes, I know. Tsk tsk.

What about pets?
Nope, but we would very much like to be cat parents.

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Not any one situation per se...but we do have two mental illnesses between us: his bipolar disorder and my anxiety. So, things go get tricky at times. Especially when I forget to take my meds, and get all tearful and freaked out over stupid things. He can get extremely depressed at times, and it's still pretty gutwrenching for me to see him in pain. However, he reckons life has got a lot better since we've been together, and his mental health has improved TONNES since he's started therapy and has cut down on drinking. And, well, a lot of people wonder how I manage to hold down a relationship with a guy who's so ill...but I'm certainly no barrel of monkeys, myself! And, all the support I give in, he gives back in spades. I'm a lucky lady. :)

Did you go to the same school?
Nope. We went to single-sex schools, on opposite sides of the city. And, while the age gap really is no biggie, it's kinda weird to think that, while he was in his last year of college, I was still in primary school. Dude.

Are you from the same home town?
Both very proud Wellingtonians. ;)

Who is the smartest?
Dunno. He always says I am. But, he's much better at retaining information, especially if it's about something he's passionate about. I...honestly don't know. We learn a lot from each other, so that's all that matters, I guess.

Who is the most sensitive?
We're both very sensitive people. I'm oversensitive to the point of being ridiculous. I'm most likely to react and express it if someone makes a jibe (such as our friend C, and his anti-Christian jokes), whereas he's more likely to hold it inside, and brood over it.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Um...we frequent several places. Probably Fidels. Just cos it's right around the corner, and they do beautiful coffees and the most gorgeous woodfire pizzas. I always get the the "Vianda" (ie meat lovers) and he always gets the one with salmon and cream cheese. *droolage*

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Uh...Palmerston North. *shame* We do, however, plan to go to New York. On that magic day when funds exist.

Who has the craziest exes?
Him. Best if I keep my mouth shut.

Who has the worst temper?
Me. Oh, yes. He certainly deserves a medal and a lifetime supply of Hell Pizza for putting up with all my tanties. Especially when I lose things, and start tearing his room apart, ranting and swearing away...;P

Who does the cooking?
We both do. Cooking for him is actually one of my favourite things to do. I made him burritos the other night, which went down a storm. ;p He's a dab hand when it comes to Asian food and curries.

Who is more social?
Me. Although we are both quite introverted and solitary types, so that's not really saying much. He can be *painfully* shy, and gets nervous around new people...so introducing him to my friends and family was a slow process. He's doing MUCH better though, and has become good mates with anord's boyfriend, so yay. :)

Who is the neat-freak?
He is. Much to my mother's relief. I've got gone and successfully turned his lounge into a yarn shop. ;P

Who is the more stubborn?
Him. Especially when we're arguing about eugenics. *facepalm*

Who hogs the bed?
Well, we're pretty good at staying on our own sides of the bed. I, however, am an epic blanket-hog. I can feel him, even in my sleep, trying to sneak back his share of the duvet in the middle of the night. ;p

Who wakes up earlier?
Me. Lucky sod doesn't start work 'til 10.30 *grumble*

Where was your first date?
At Floridita's on Cuba Street. He paid for our coffees, even though he was completely skint. :) We went away, feeling like we'd known each other for years.

Who has the bigger family?
Well, I have three families. And four parents...six if you count my Dad and stepmum's new partners. Mind you, his extended family's pretty large, so...

Do you get flowers often?
Nope. He got me a bunch of pink gerberras when I got back from overseas...but I'm not generally a flowers kind of chick, so I'm not bothered, really. I prefer getting poems, me.

How do you spend the holidays?
What are they? ;P Uh...I dunno. Sleeping late...having coffee and brunch out...watching DVDs...going for walks...visiting friends. I'll knit, and he might play the odd XBox game. Not much, really.

Who is more jealous?
Well, many of you guys know I've got a terrible jealous streak. And, at the start of our relationship, I'd find myself getting horribly paranoid that he was always checking out other women in the street, or that he'd get a crush on one of my friends. He, likewise, would get a little jealous when he'd see me getting on with one of his male friends, or flatties. But...we haven't had any of those problems for quite some time now, which is a relief.

How long did it take to get serious?
Uh, not long. We were saying "I love you" pretty early on, and it wasn't long before I was staying at his place at least three nights a week. Sometimes, I wish we'd taken things a little slower to begin with, and put up a few more boundaries and kept things a bit more light and breezy. But, hey.

Who eats more?
We both love our food. ;p Although, he's chronic for getting up and snacking in the middle of the night! I'll wake up at 2am, and find him next to me in bed, happily munching away on a bowl of ice cream or several bits of toast. ;P

Who does/did the laundry?
He does. ;p Although, I kinda wish he wouldn't chuck my clean clothes in his washing basket when I come and stay. Oh well, that'll learn me for leaving things on the floor...

Who’s better with the computer?
No idea. Him, probably?

Who drives when you are together?
Well, we both live in the central city. So, we catch busses and walk. I would quite like a scooter...but that requires money.

Feel free to swipe, my couply friends. ;P

writing, bloody useless posts, memes, matt, bloody long posts, wow erin's happy, i has a boyfriend, relationships

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