Where our heroine makes noises of disgruntlement.

Nov 19, 2008 15:49

Dear Colleague,

Next time you pass me while walking home, a simple "Hi, Erin" will suffice as a greeting. I will also be perfectly happy with such other greetings as, "Lovely evening!", "Have a good night", or even "Busy day upstairs?" But, for future reference, I would prefer it if you didn't greet me with, "Everytime I see you, you're eating! That's naughty!" Just quietly.

I have problems with this statement for several reasons. Let me elaborate:

A) It's factually incorrect. The only times I ever see you is when I'm dropping work off to your team for review. I don't generally make a habit of munching out while dealing with my colleagues over work matters. Unless it's over a lunch date. Which we haven't had. So, uh, what the hell?

B) I fail to see what's so naughty about a grown woman eating a small snack on the way home from work. I was hungry. That tends to happen when one has only had a small lunch, and has had nothing to eat since. Come on, mate. It's not like I'm back at high school, where eating in the streets in our uniform was a capital disgrace. And, while I realise my cheese pretzel from the German bakery wasn't the most wholesome and nutritious choice for my afternoon tea, my money is mine to spend on whatever evil Western European baked goods I happen to fancy at any given moment. Free country, and all that.

C) It's...kinda rude. So long as I'm not eating at inappropriate times (like in the middle of an exam, or in an important meeting with the boss, or at a job interview), it's really not your place to comment on when and where I choose to eat. I have four parents to tell me what to do, kthx. That's more than enough.

D) I'm not entirely comfortable with you associating me with food. And/or eating a lot. Yes, I like my food. Yes, I'm a plus-sizer who could probably stand to drop a couple of inches off the ole waistline. But, that's my problem. And you making flippant little remarks in the middle of the street about me shovelling down food everytime you see me isn't exactly going to encourage me to start shedding the kilos. Nice try, but no.

So...yeah. No-one ever died from offering one's workmates a little tact, even if they are young enough to be your granddaughter and if they choose to chomp on cheese pretzels in the middle of the CBD. Sometimes, there are moments in life when it's best for one to keep one's mouth shut, no matter how disagreeable and rotten you consider the person concerned. That was one of them.

Next time, just say hello.

Kind regards,


*sigh* Not happy. Aw, and I'm sick. Possible tonsilitis. Feeling a bit like there's a golfball lodged in my throat. Going to crawl into bed, if no-one minds. And, then possibly clean the bathroom. Cos that's how I roll.

Aw, and at some stage, I will finish blogging about my trip. And do several memes. And actually write a post that's not completely vapid and useless. Yup, Ezza fails at LJ. Been too busy having panic attacks and giving sex advice.

work, angry letters, ezza hates people, wtf?!, sick, gaaaaah!, food

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