Heh. The warning would have been nice...

Dec 29, 2006 13:28

A meme. A letter to my 2006 self. A bit horoscope-y, but hey. From kiwiria. Enjoy.

Dear 2006 Erin,

So, a new year, and a new start for you. Could be interesting. Here you are; you've just left Canterbury University, Christchurch, Student Life, and all those friends behind. You're back in your hometown, with bright eyes and a degree under your belt. Plenty of potential there. You're on the hunt for a decent job, a suitable living space, a new spiritual fellowship, and a whole new circle of friends. And you're terrified. And confused. Still a bit caustic following last year's events. Even a little dejected. I understand.

You're starting 2006 off in the hope that it might be ever so slightly better than the year just gone. Well, Miss Kavanagh, I regret to inform you that this year is going to be a toughie. There'll be external pressures, a few emotional issues munching away at yer, and, of course, you'll be a muppet and make things that little bit harder for yourself. Come December, you will be feeling jaded, exhausted, and ever-so-slightly dissatisified and disappointed with this life business. You will be left wondering just what the universe thinks it's playing at, and your faith in the human race will take a bit of a nose-dive. Yes...not quite what you expected.

It won't be all bad, however.

Professionally, things could turn out a lot worse. You may be just a little disgruntled with yet another job in the book trade, but you just might find you'll end up loving your job at Bennett's, if you give it some time. You will pray hard-core into your working environment, and see the results. You will grow in confidence. You will actually have responsibilities and contribute to the running of the business- unlike before, whereas before you were basically just a mindless bimbo behind a computer till. You will find a fantastic, caring, trustworthy friend in your new boss. So really, what's all this whingeing for?

Your decision to return to varsity will prove to be a good one, as it will bring the intellectual stimulation that was sorely lacking from the latter half of '05. You will start off with a hiss and a roar, but, I'm sorry to say that you'll lose momentum about half way through. You will suffer a crisis or two in regards to where your life is headed, and you’ll develop the same kind of apathetic, devil-may-care attitude to your school work that you had last year. Careful there. You’re a bright wee thing, so don’t let yourself slip when you were doing so well. And please. Work on your time management. For all of our sakes.

So, you’re scared you won’t be making any new friends this time around? Don’t fret, little one, for there are many beautiful individuals on the horizon, just waiting to take your lovable, exuberant and slightly eccentric self around the coffee houses.

You may feel daunted right now…seeing as you still don’t relish the thought of meeting new people, and Arise Church is so damn big. You might find yourself having to initiate with a few folks to get the ball rolling, and I know you’re not fussed on that idea. But you will rise to the challenge, and actually get up the courage to pursue a few people. So, take heart, little one. Book ‘em, and they will come.

Unfortunately, however, there won’t be much change on the romantic front. Your friends' lives will go on, despite this: there will be more love stories, more engagements, more marriages, and even a baby on the way. A couple of your best and dearest friends will find love this year, and you will find that very hard to swallow.

My advice, however, is to relax and enjoy the ride. To be single is a blessing and the privilege, after all. And try not to begrudge other people their happiness; it’s really not a good look.

Now, for the juicy stuff…

There’s a few trials there, lurking behind the stage, all ready for their theatrical debut. As your grandmother would say, it’ll all be character building. Unfortunately, that will be little consolation while you’re actually going through it.

There will be a massive disappointment in September, as you will miss out on a fantastic career opportunity due to an administration cock-up. There will be sobbing and teeth-gnashing and anguished text messages, and your poor friends and mother will get more than an earful.

If I could give you one piece of advice, it would be to keep following these things up. Don’t be afraid to ring up and hassle people if they don’t get back to you. Don’t assume anything. Technology does let you down, and things will slip through the cracks. Let it be a lesson to you.

You will be pleased to know that you’ll bounce back fairly quickly after that. However, there’s more where that came from. November is shaping up to be a tricky one. A secret your family has kept under the rug for thirty odd years will finally come to light. You will find yourself caught in the middle of a violent row that will leave you quite shaken up. Your physical health will suffer as a result. And, just when you think you’re well overdue for some good news, you’ll suffer yet another professional disappointment.

I must warn you that your mental health will be a touch fragile throughout most of ’06. A couple of those self-destructive tendencies you’ve been battling since your teens will rear their ugly heads…and one night in November, the cravings will get the better of you. There’ll be a bit of blood, and you’ll scare a few people, including yourself. But, it’ll be okay. You’ll take control. Going back into therapy will end up being one of the best decisions you’ll make this year.

Your faith will get you through, of course. However, this was never going to be an easy journey. There will be peaks, and there will be troughs. The troughs will be deep. You’ll do fair bit of questioning. You will scream and cry, and listen to Wake Up Dead Man on repeat, and beg God to remind you just why exactly you’re doing this.

But, my love, I can tell you now that God is good. He is good, and He will be good to you. He has already been good to you…and one thing you will learn by the end of 2006 is just to praise Him for the little things He has done. It’s all about the small mercies.

God will continue to speak to you, to drop little words into your heart, to offer you little reminders of His tenderness and His grace. He is a faithful God. He is loving, and His mercies are renewed each morning. He is crazy about you. He promises you hope, and a future. So…just hang in there.

Take my hand…you know I’ll be there if you can…I’ll cross the sky for your love. For I have promised, oh, to be with you tonight…and for the time that will come…

Well then, 2006 Erin. It’ll be quite a year. Probably not as wonderful as it could be. But you’ll get there, because you’re strong, and God is stronger yet. So, chin up. One foot in front of the other. Chill. Take time to smell the roses. Smile; it could always be worse. Tomorrow is, indeed, another day...

Take care, and God bless.

Love from,
Almost 2007 Erin.

work, friends, christian issues, teh ment0l healths, narcissism, career anxiety, da whanau, memes, uni

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