Ok. Even if you're not a total and utter U2 nut, who gets a sick sort of pleasure from watching a few misguided individuals attempt to rip off her babies and seeing them die on their arses, you still need to check this out.
I present, for your viewing pleasure,
the adorable brunette from NSYNC doing a cover of Mysterious Ways. Complete, of course, with a truly hideous karaoke-esque video, featuring hair flipping, 80s jazz moves, suspenders with high-waisted jeans, dungarees, dolphins, and one Latina saucepot in a white dress, swinging her tresses around in the middle of the ocean at sunset.
Well, I laughed.
*waits in delicious anticipation to see
axver's reaction*
*sigh* Is nothing sacred any more?
No, Erin. It isn't.
Aw, and speaking of U2, I have plans to take a leaf out of
canadanne's book, and wear MacPhisto horns to the concert. Seriously. Although,
buzzy_bee_nz might be embarassed to be seen within 500 metres of me, so maybe not. :P
Aw, and speaking crap music...does anyone else here hear Lilly Allen and want to seriously jam a screw driver in one ear?