May 01, 2005 22:20
Yesterday it was my pleasure to serve Old Navy with my two week notice. I finally landed a new job. I applied for a teacher position at a preschool and got the job! I can finally say good bye to Old Navy. Ok so this isn't my dream job, but it's a hell of alot better than putting up with the bull shit at Old Navy. Speaking of that, this week I learned from Vickie St. James (a popular drag queen here in Indy) how to say "bull shit" with sign language. That should come in handy this week as I deal with bull shit from Old Navy.
Speaking of Vickie... This past week, Gregory and I were stage managers for the Mr. Gay All American contest (pagent). I say pagent cause that's what it is, although some have issues with that and try to call it a contest because they are men, not women ... or men dressing like women. But they are still competing, they still have a swimsuit competion, they still have to display their talent, and they still have "I wish for world peace" on stage questions. Sounds and looks like a pagent to me... if it sounds like a pig, looks like a pig, and smells like a pig, it's probably a .... you get the point. Anyhoo, I got to meet some new friends and see some people I haven't seen for awhile. And of course got to hang out back stage with some queens. "Fuck er in the shitter!!!" lol that's our new saying since Vickie made that famous. "Stick your hands in there and clap!!!" lmao ok, I'll leave that one alone. Anyhoo... fun was had by all.
But the biggest news of the weekend is my new job. Of course my Old Navy manager tried to talk me into staying, but I did not give in. I was like, um, no! lol I mean I'll be working full time, I know my hours since they are set, and I be making more money, and you think I'm gonna pass that up to work retail at Old Navy??? Honey you got another think comin!! So now I'm one step closer to moving to Indy to live with Gregory. Step two will be finding a place to move to! I think we have it narrowed down to a few different places. Shouldn't be too difficult.
Anyhow, I'm sure there'll be more news soon, but I'll go for now... That's All Folks