Mmm... I'm bored.

Dec 22, 2005 21:49

LJ Interests meme results

  1. black magic roses:
    ...they're awesome, almost black without losing the brilliant red quality.
  2. comforters:
    ...the most comfortable bedding in teh wrold. Well, mine is, at least.
  3. florence:
    ...I was there during Easter one year, and I was almost run over by both the crowds and the decorated oxen that were parading the streets. It was beautiful.
  4. irish step dance:
    ...I took step lessons at Vanderbilt for two/three semesters (I don't actually remember how long it was, I believe the latter) with my then-friend/now-boyfriend. The only reason I was able to convince him, I learned, was because he was interested in me.
  5. might and magic:
    ...the single best old RPG with horrible graphics and cheesy story lines. Prince Nicolai of the Circus!
  6. paris:
    ...where I intend to live, eventually. Definitely one of, if not the, top cities on my list of loves.
  7. renaissance:
    ...need this be explained?
  8. soft stuffed animals:
    ...the fuzzy soft ones make good pillows.
  9. the mummy:
    ...hey, what can I say? I like silly movies. But that one I've seen at least (literally) thirty times and I am not yet sick of it.
  10. writing: something I've been doing since I was very small. Apparently I have a knack for it, or something, but I hate writing research papers. I like conceptual pieces, or descriptive essays.

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