May 25, 2006 18:39
Hellooooo Soul Patroooolll! *smirk* I've only gotten one season wrong. Although my first choice didn't win this time. It should have been Elliot. But both of those guys have liquid music running through their veins so it should turn out all right.
I played hooky yesterday. Yes I did. Why, you ask? Well, they were only going to lunch to supposedly celebrate the May birthdays...and I KNOW how those go. AND after that to a four hour meeting on personnel procedures to close out the fiscal year....and I KNOW how those go too. *someone asks a valid and important question*..."Well, we haven't gotten procedures set for that yet, we'll send them out in an email." *Repeat, repeat, repeat* So yeah, I skipped. Call it my mental health day. When I returned today (after the lovely tack-on birthday reception of yesterday) I find a Belated Group Office card. know where I filed that right?
What did I do on my day off? Me and the man took Boo to school, then went out for breakfast. Had lovely omelettes and pancakes. YUM. Then we went shopping. *GaSp* I can't believe I dragged him everywhere and he didn't complain. Got some cute shoes and TRIED to get new CDs but that always fails because Arkansas SUCKS when it comes to keeping music stocked. I was able to download some of it. Then we went for lunch too! Lovely salad and pizza with my favorites (bacon, spinach, and sliced tomatoes.)
TODAY???? Boo had his Kindergarten graduation ceremony. I can't believe I didn't cry. It'll hit me later, I'm sure. He was so precious though. I do have pictures which will make it up when I have time. (Which has been scarce lately, did you miss me?) I also can't believe that we didn't have to buy additional uniforms all year, only a new belt. Although his knees like...appeared out of nowhere!!!!
Also...I got a St00piD letter in his backpack. Supposedly my child is "at risk for obesity" based on his BMI. (Which they only calculated using height and weight.) W.T.F. I can count my child's ribs. He wears a size pant listed as a year younger because he is too skinny in the hips to go up that next size. I hate federal "guidelines." I'm behind the intent 100%, but when they use antiquated methods to calculate and inform, it is no wonder they are often ignored and ridiculed. (And it might help if they backed the "intent" in the school cafeteria too. They started the year with salads and carrot sticks as sides and ended with "potato smilies," which are fried.) /rant
Note to Rogue: OMG!!!!! a;lkjd;ljfal;kjadfj The Office!!!!!
How many times have I watched that last scene??????? I love him. I really love him. Move over Pam, you are too timid. *shoves*
I must say that there were a couple of eps of The Office that didn't make me giggle at all. But they more than made up for it with the ones that did. When Michael burned his foot on the George Foreman grill? And Dwight rushes out to get him and crashes??? Best! EVER! *snorts*
So yeah...I didn't even go into all that is going on...but it makes me tired thinking of all of that so, I'm just gonna stop now. :P
the office,
american idol