Jun 05, 2007 07:38
How messed up in the head does one have to be to have a dream about Sylar? Not a scary dream (although maybe it is, really) but one where we are dancing very closely in front of a roaring fire wearing footie pajamas. o.O Wait...maybe...I get it....um...No. O.o
Maybe I was attempting to gain his powers. Powers I would then use to eradicate any mention of Paris Hilton, who took up the entire broadcast of my morning show on the drive to work. *growls* I don't have a CD player in the van and all the other morning shows suck, although perhaps tomorrow anything would be better that another Prison Paris update. Maybe Sylar should meet up with Paris...Hmmm, my new OTP.
Ugh. Working two jobs is getting old fast. Small question to the boss was answered with..."Man, I really need to sort up those applications and line up some interviews."
*headdesk* They haven't even called anyone yet. I need more tea.
paris hilton,