Well, here is the latest in the round of low-percentage-quite-rare-can-we-study-your-child conditions:
Boo is colorblind. Or actually color deficient, meaning he does not see mid to low range hues of red and green. Mostly he sees blue and yellow. (No wonder blue is his favorite color.) From the sites I've seen, it's roughtly up to an 8% chance that a male would have this condition and it comes from the maternal line of genetics. (What a fantastic bag of defective genes I happen to hide!)
The school did a vision test in January and they just now called to tell me of this. I tested him at home as well.
You can test yourself or your child too. That's just one of many, there are others to be found that can test your type and level. Boo seems to have trouble with the low hues (pastels) and some of the mid hues.
This is how he most likely sees Granny Smith and Braeburn apples. As you can see, apples really are just apples no matter how he looks at it. At first I was just a tad bit depressed for some reason because he doesn't see the world like I thought, but then again, he doesn't know any different so why should I be sad? Anyhoo, the plus side is, he is ineligible for active military service.
Still, there is something about this kid, he seems to fall into low percentage situations. Tough odds. Whatever. 5% to 8% chance for color-deficiency (admittedly this is not too bad.) 5% chance for colonic volvulus. The size of his noggin put him in the 5% pile, although I'm just thinking he's hella smart. ;) The peanut allergy puts him in a 1% pile. Finding a documented food allergy, much less five, in an infant, is almost unheard of.
You know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking we are on the wrong side of the odds. We need to get them working in our favor. So which state is the closest that has the big payout scratch off lottery tickets? He could do that, right? ;) Hmmmmm.