Feb 19, 2007 08:12
Thanks f-list for keeping me and Boo in your thoughts. Boo is holding his own. What is up with all the fever viruses? They are turning him into a bag of sticks and making his condition worse than it should have to be. Anyhoo, he is home with dad, and when I left this morning he was still warm but up and moving which is really the best thing for all that mess.
I am "home alone" at work. o.O It's President's Day and normally we are closed but because of session we are forced to "skeleton" crew. I've always wanted to be skin and bones but this is ... not what I meant. The two other ladies who were supposed to come had emergencies. *grumbles a bit about that, as I have a six year old with a somewhat serious health condition standing at DefCon 3 but...okay.* Not to mention that if any of the Legeeslatorz actually wanted something I don't exactly have the clearance to get it for them, that's what them other ladies was supposed to be here for. *sigh*
So here I am all alone with teh internets and a PC with a bit of my music on it. I have a white shirt and shades. Hmmmmm. No. Photocopying my backside is out as that particular piece of office machinery is locked in the room down the hall.
What would YOU do? *insert famous photo of McCaulay Culkin with his hands to his cheeks*
wonderful f-list,
home alone