Dec 17, 2003 19:37
Total Earned Credits-----Total Grade Points----Term GPA
Course/Section and Title--------Grade---Credits
1 MATD-0370 018 Elem Algebra-----B-----3.00
2 ARTC-1305 002 Bas Graph Des----A-----3.00
3 ARTC-1402 003 Dig Imag I--------A-----4.00
4 ARTC-1413 001 Dig Pub I---------A-----4.00
I set out to get no less than a 3.5, and I succeeded, so I'm happy, but I have to be honest; that B stings so bad.=P
I finished shopping for my parents today, and I came in just under budget, wooooo. I'm plannin on finishing up all my shopping this weekend, because for once in my life I have both Friday and Saturday OFF!@# ooo that sounds so good.