
Nov 27, 2010 20:36

I just watched Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief and now I'm totally fangirling Poseidon (and the actor who plays him, Kevin McKidd). I'm half-way through reading the first book of the series (so I watched the film first, I wasn't about to get sucked into another series like HP bound to disappoint me terribly sooner or later), but now I feel like I've missed out on something.

Ah, the shiny-ness of a new fandom (though it looked very small and I have to confess I have no real pairing! Woe! *gasp*). Though *fans self* Sean Bean as Zeus! I seriously love that man's voice. I'm normally not a fan of beards, but I can forgive them just this once (stubble totally works for me ... hmmm ... *shrugs*).

So yes *bounce bounce* I liked the film, watching it without the book to compare it to. I still like it now, but gee, they took quite a few liberties with the source material. Is it for the best? Well, don't know, it's *different* in quite a few points. Reminds me a lot of the first HP film. Leaving things out, changing basic stuff for ... well, no idea what for.

It's an intriguing mix between the magic of the greek myths and today's world, some of the special effects made me kind of hop up and down because Poseidon walking out of the sea, then shrinking himself down to human size wearing a HOODIE underneath his jacket (!) totally did it for me. The scene with Poseidon and Zeus on top of the Empire State Building was great, but Poseidon pretty much telling his brother off for threatening his son made me *gleeful*. This is something I always would have liked to see in Harry Potter, someone to say 'You touch him, you'll have the fight of your life.' Sure, Harry's father is dead, but I never liked the deliberate stripping of Harry of all his emotional support at all. Dumbledore's always had that subtle manipulation thing going on, maybe he was trying to protect him but I sometimes didn't get the vibe of that at all. Snape with his hostility, Sirius being an escaped prisoner, Remus as a Werewolf ... the only kind of support Harry had (in my eyes) were his friends. But let's face it, Ron was a bit fickle now or then, the only one who - as far as I see it - always stood by Harry was Hermione. I love Hermione, but she's not replacement for a parent or grown up to look out for Harry.

So on that front I'm kind of fond of the film. No idea if the same will go for the books, as they are completely from Percy's POV in first person. So I have no idea whether his father in the books really cared that much about him or not. Having said that I'll go and read the rest of the book now in order to find that out!

Ta ta for now.
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